After running our own Radical Championships for a couple of seasons, we realized that beside the iRacing Forum and the Discords, there’s the need for a central platform to connect all the drivers, leagues and communities that have put the Radicals on iRacing in the heart of their activities. Our goal is to raise awareness for the cars, the people involved on and off the virtual track and spread the word about the awesome communities that gathered around the best cars on iRacing.
And here’s how we are going to make this happen:
First. Shed a light on the people
YOU might find an interview request in your inbox soon. We will use these to shed a light on the people in the Radical Communities, their success on track or the projects they are working on. So expect to find a new Interview on the frontpage once a week, that will make you know that guy you’ve raced a dozen times in the Officials or whom you stumbled upon when watching a live-stream or video on youtube.
Second. Connect people and communities
You can create an Account on Radical Simracing and enter information on yourself, your sim racing team, your streaming- /youtube-channel or your league racing a Radical. Let’s show how many we are, and get connected to share Info on opening registrations, special events created around the Radicals, or see where you can still race the SR8 and help make those things happen.
Third. Create a main event for the Radicals
To give our loved Radicals the attention they deserve, we will organize the Radical World Cup Finals twice a year to raise interest and grow the overall driver-base. You’ll be able to qualify for the finals through our European and American Championship, while we will also reserve places on the grid for those who thrived in the Officials or within other Leagues and Communities.
Will that work? Depends on you!
As the fbl-community we’ve build a fun and engaging community, discussing and developing our Championships together with the goal to give everyone – from the bottom to the top – something to aim for and create a framework for everyone to have a fun and exciting race. Now we try to give the Radical Communities out there what we believe is needed and would have helped our community along the way. So when we say it’s about you, we mean it.
Let us know what you think of our project in the comments, what functionality we missed to implement – create an account and help us make this project worthwhile and a contributing platform to your simracing experience and all the awesome projects and leagues out there.
See you on track,