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You have no active membership at the moment.

A membership at Radical SimRacing is a recurring donation to support the activities and growth of the communty.

An active membership will grant you access to all hosted Championships and Events – as long as there are places left and no other restrictions apply (i.e. the need to qualify for the World Finals).

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Cancel Membership

You can cancel your membership from within your paypal account, or check the box below and click on send – our admins will cancel your membership within the next 24 hours.

Registration for the 2025 Champioships will open towards the end of the year.

As long as you are registered on our website, you will get an E-Mail as soon as registration opens.

2 of 40 Places left.
0 of 40 Places left.



You are not registered for any Championships yet.


You are not registered for any Championships yet.


You are not registered for any Championships yet.


You are not registered for any Championships yet.

Please fill out your “Driver-Profile” before you register for a Special.

Please select a valid form

If you organize a Radical League, please fill the form for your League to be shown in the Leagues-Section

Register Your League

Maximum file size: 2MB


Select the cars you are running


Is there a broadcast/live-stream
Are there other kinds of videos you publish?

Social Media

Where can people find you on Social Media
Radio Buttons
The iRacing servers you use to host your sessions
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If you are streaming, please fill the form to be listed in the Streamer-Section.

Register as Streamer

Maximum file size: 2MB


Select the cars you are racing in your streams


Social Media

Where else can people find you on Social Media
Start Over

If you want your Team to be listed in the Teams-Section, please fill this form.

Register Your Team

Maximum file size: 2MB


Select the cars you are running


Are you live-streaming
Are there other kinds of videos you publish?

Social Media

Where can people find you on Social Media
Start Over

Click here to log out.

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