- My Driver-Profile
- My Membership
- Championship Registration
- My Championships
- Special Registration
- My League
- My Stream
- My Team
- Logout
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Delete Account
If you want to delete your account at RadicalSimRacing.com, please fill the form and click on send. Our Admins will delete your account within the next 24 hours.
A membership at Radical SimRacing is a recurring donation to support the activities and growth of the communty.
An active membership will grant you access to all hosted Championships and Events – as long as there are places left and no other restrictions apply (i.e. the need to qualify for the World Finals).
Cancel Membership
Please fill out your “Driver-Profile” before you register for a Special.
If you organize a Radical League, please fill the form for your League to be shown in the Leagues-Section
If you are streaming, please fill the form to be listed in the Streamer-Section.
If you want your Team to be listed in the Teams-Section, please fill this form.
Click here to log out.